Application Packaging Interview Questions related to Windows Basics
Windows Basics
- Explain Windows Installer(MSI) architecture
- Can we make Operating system not to install MSIs?
- How to set Windows to create log files automatically when MSIs are installed?
- What is the use of MSIs present in C:\Windows\Installer folder?
- How to identify if a setup is installing drivers?
- What is a host file? Can we include host file inside MSI?
- What are Environment Variables, and what is their usage?
- Name the locations where Environment Variables can be found on Windows OS?
- How to find whether a Setup is a Legacy or MSI?
- Disadvantages of Legacy apps?
- Advantages of MSI apps?
- Disadvantages of MSI apps?
- What is the use of Windows Installer Service?
- What is ActiveSetup?
- Is ActiveSetup part of MSI or Windows OS?
- What is Run Key?
- What is the difference Run, RunOnce and ActiveSetup?
- What is a File Association or File Extension?
- What is a ProgID?
- What is Windows Registry or simply Registry?
- How are HKCR and HKLM related?
- How are HKCU and HKU related?
- What is SID? and what is present inside SID?
- What is the location of ARP entries in Registy?
- Where are services located in registry?
- What is ODBC?
- What ODBC entries are required by an application to successfully connect to Database?
- Versions of WindowsXP, Vista, 7, 2003 Server, 2008 Server Operating Systems?
- Difference between WindowsXP and Windows7?
- Is it possible to install MSI file on clean Windows98 system? and why?
- When was MSI technology came into existence?
- What is Event Viewer?
- command to identify SID of currently logged in user?
- Can we install two MSIs at a time? and why?
- Registry Path for ProductCodes of MSIs installed on Windows?
- What is System Account on Windows?
- Which is master account on Windows?
- What is the extension of shortcut file ?
- How to remove small "arrow" mark for shortcuts on desktop?
- How to make an application not to create an entry in Add/Remove Programs?
- How to hide Remove Button for application entry in ARP using Registry?
- How to hide Change/Modify Button for application entry in ARP using Registry?
- How to hide Repair Button for application entry in ARP using Registry?
- Location of AllUsers desktop shortcuts on WindowsXP and Windows7?
- Location of AllUsers StartMenu shortcuts on WindowsXP and Windows7?
- What are Local, LocalLow, Roaming folders on Windows 7? and how they are related to WindowsXP folders?
- What is UAC in Windows7?
- What is session zero isolation in Windows7?
- How to set UAC not be displayed for installing MSIs?
- Differences between 32it and 64bit Operating Systems?
- How to identify if a application is 32bit or 64bit ?
- Where are 32bit files stored in 64bit OS?
- Where are 32bit application related registries stored on 64bit OS HKLM registry?
- How to detect if OS is 32bit or 64bit?
- Command to Shutdown computer on WinXP and Win7?
- Command to Restart computer on WinXP and Win7 ?
- What is DLL hell?
- What is Windows File Protection? What is the location where Windows protected files are stored?
- What is File Versioning?
- If a machine has DLL of version 2.0 and your application has same DLL with version 3.0, what happens to the file during installation ?
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